To end my whirlwind weekend I went to Eden Prairie to have a session with my friend Kristi's little guy Owen. Now, it's only fitting that her little guy is absolutely perfect. Kristi has always been the most organized, clean, rule following, straight arrowed person I know (Kristi, this is good stuff, I assure you). So of course she passed those genes on to her little guy (Mike's okay too :P ), and during his session, he just sat, and smiled! It was almost too easy.
Isn't he handsome??? And I even got a chance to catch up with Kristi and Mike while Owen took an extra long nap! Great fun! Thanks for having me Kristi & Mike!
This little Doll was not in the mood for a photo session! Really though, when it's snowing outside for the 15th time since she was born (6 weeks ago!), how can you blame her?
What a SWEETheart! I will see her again soon at 3 months! Here's to sun shining weather by then!
This fast little bugger was so fun. She does the army crawl and it cracks me up! But if you give her 2 lollipops...she sits still! Thanks for having me J&M!